The Portfolio of Derek Brooks


I discovered Nuxt when I was looking to rebuild my personal website as a single page, performant application that still had server side rendering and good SEO. I've absolutely loved tinkering with Nuxt.

Here is 1 project that I've worked on tagged Nuxt.js.

Screenshot of is my general home page, online scrapbook, and development playground. Its primary purpose is to catalog my life and allow me to play with various APIs and web development technologies. It serves up thousands of photos, check-ins, microblogs, blogs, maps, videos, and various other data from my life. Since 2001, it has been a constantly evolving web application.

v8 - latest version

This is the first version of my site that I completely rebuilt in a new language and platform. I moved the entire site from a containerized LAMP stack to a server-side-rendered (SSR) Nuxt.js application that relies completely on the Broox API to power its content. I chose Nuxt and SSR in order to keep my SEO and open graph / social sharing meta tags intact while still providing a speedy, asynchronous client-side browsing experience.