Holiday eCards

This is a microsite that I built as a marketing tool for malls owned by PREIT. It allowed people to customize and send flash-based cards to friends and family.
It was also built so that a campaign could be coupled with a contest. For example, all cards sent to moms on mothers day could be eligible for a mall gift card.
For delivering the cards, I wrote a small script using the API.
This little application was a lot of fun to work on and a huge success for the associated malls.
v2 - latest version
The Holiday eCard microsite was brought back to life for the winter holidays in 2009. Only this time instead of supporting only 3 malls, it was to support ~40 malls. That said, there were many performance improvements and generalizing of the codebase. The site was a great success receiving several hundred cards.
1 previous version
v1 April 2009

The first version of this microsite I built started out as a contest for 3 malls owned by PREIT. It allowed people to send their mom a customized flash eCard for mother's day. Each person that sent their mom a card got a free gift from the mall, and their moms had the opportunity to enter a $500 giveaway.
For delivering the cards, I wrote a small script using the API to send all of the moms emails on Mothers Day - May 10.
I had a lot of fun developing this quick, small project and trying out a new API.